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  • Face-to-face courses

  • Training for Staff and others for action in the event of a fire

  • Essential element of fire safety management

  • Training covers: fire prevention, fire protection and evacuation procedures, use of the appropriate extinguishing equipment and media

  • Bespoke, building-specific fire safety training, which combines an as-build fire strategy detailing the evacuation procedure and as-build plans

  • A Training-needs assessment will be developed, defining learning outcomes and determine a means of testing comprehension

  • Compared to online training, our in-person training offers more face-to-face engagement and provides greater practice and confidence-building opportunities

  • Onsite training is adaptable and customised to your company's requirements! 

  • More affordable and effective than online training


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Staff Fire Safety

fire warden training

Fire Warden Training

Fire Marshal Training

fire evacuation safety training

Fire Drill and Alarm  Evacuation Training

fire safety responsible person

Fire Safety Training for Fire Safety Manager 

Staff Fire Safety Training

  • Face-to-face training

  • Includes the fire evacuation procedures for the workplace, appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee to safeguard himself and other relevant persons on the premises

  • Legal requirement to provide employees with adequate training (art 21- RRFSO 2005)

    • It must be conducted at the time the person is first employed and when they are exposed to new or increased risk (change of responsibility, the introduction of new equipment or technology, the ntroduction of a new system of work)

    • It must be repeated periodically

fire safety training courses

Fire Marshal 
Fire Warden

  • Face-to-face training

  • More specific training than Staff Fire Safety Training

  • Training on Fire Emergency Plan, safe and effective action to be taken in the event of a fire, security measures, assitance provision to anyone unable to self-evacuate, premises searches, roll calls and preventing persons from re-entering the premises 

  • Training on a proactive part of fire prevention strategy including training on the fire safety inspections and identification of fire hazards in the workplace

fire marshal training

Fire Drill and
Alarm Evacuation Training

  • On-site theory and practical training for fire evacuation

  • Opportunity to practice the fire emergency plan and ensure everyone knows how to exit the building quickly while avoiding potential hazards. 

  • Reduce the sense of panic, develop confidence and provide sufficient knowledge and appropriate experience

  • Correction of any inappropriate behaviour that could put people at risk in the event of a real fire

  • Identification of problems arising during the evacuation and establishment of ways to prevent such problems from occurring again

  • The finest procedures for evacuating safely from a fire are put into practice during this course

  • Provision of assistance at every stage of the fire evacuation procedure

  • Legal requirement to provide Fire Evacuation Drill

    • at least one fire drill every year ​

    • outcomes must be documented because they are a crucial component of your fire safety and evacuation plan

    • any problems discovered during the fire exercise must be fixed right away.

fire alarm training course

Fire Safety Training for Fire Safety Manager 

  • On-site theory and practical training for Responsible Person

  • Unique approach and one-to-one training

  • Designated for Fire Safety Managers, Responsible Person or Person nominated to monitor and control management of fire safety

  • Training designed and specific to your workplace will help in carrying out duties in preventing the occurrence of fire

  • It will help to understand your fire safety legal duties, responsibility and tasks

  • You will be able to recognise hazards in your workplace and put sensible controls to protect workers and others from harm 

  • Knowledge and experience gained during this training will allow you to carry out fire safety inspections and fire safety audits

  • You will be competent and capable of managing and supporting your Fire Wardens

  • You will gain sufficient knowledge to implement and manage Fire Risk Management System 

  • It will provide sufficient knowledge and skills to ensure adequate arrangements are in place for Fire Emergency Plan

fire safety training


Training is required, according to the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order.
The accountable party is required to provide new hires with training as well as whenever they are exposed to unusual or higher risks.

Training in fire safety must be a part of your company's risk management plan. It must be given to the entire crew.

No matter how many employees a workplace has, the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 must be followed.


If you'd like more information about Fire Safety Training, get in touch with us or give us a call right away.

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